Monday, October 8, 2012

A little bit of NYC lovin'

A few weeks ago, I realized I had a three day weekend (school off on Monday for Columbus Day, which I never celebrated at home...) and knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to go to New York City.
I've been meaning, well more like lusting, to go ever since coming to the East Coast. So I contacted Natalie, who is only going to school an hour away from me, and Anastasia, who lives in the city and started planning. I needed this to happen. I needed an adventure, and I definitely got one. 


It was just an awesome day. Hanging out with Natalie, and meeting Anastasia who is, quite frankly, awesome. She took us all around, even though it was raining all day, to fancy doughnut shops, all throughout the subway, to central park and time square. To SoHo, and thus Uniqlo (where I could hardly contain my giddy). To a cafe called cafe cafe cafe cafe, and around to dinner at a wonderful Italian restaurant. And she baked us pumpkin cupcakes.

It was just an awesome day.
Maggie Shirley said...

Love all the pictures you took, love New York, love you guys, etc. Sounds like you had such a fabulous time.

maggeygrace said...

Um, HOW MUCH DO I LOVE THIS. I wish we could be IRL best friends. I also wish I could casually say New York is a train ride away and I can go there on three day weekends? You have no idea how badly. Both of them ladies look adorbs, you lucky guy, you!

Natalie said...

I'm so glad you got to have your weekend of adventures and see NYC. Yesterday was wonderful.

mayte. said...

you got to meet anastasia before me i am so jealous omg
but I am so glad you two got to meet her.

miss you Dillon.

Bookish.Spazz said...

Ahhh! That's so awesome!

I love all the pictures you took, and the trip sounded absolutely lovely!

Kayleigh said...

This looks like an amazing adventure! I'm glad you guys had a great time! :)

shelbyisms said...


Seriously, though. Beautiful photos.

Kaylie said...

Wonderful photos! You three are such lovely people.

Also: Drooling over that Chelsea Market sign.

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