Monday, September 24, 2012

I stole this photo from Nicola. Words can't describe how much love I have for this picture.

Let's disregard my last post. It was good to get out my feelings in words, and after a good night sleep, I woke up refreshed, re-motivated, and with a new mindset. I plan on trying to keep it.
Thank you to all who gave me some words of wisdom, and comfort food for thought.

Yesterday I made the decision to go out to a coffee shop, because, well, I wanted to. I was planning on going by myself, but I was pleasantly joined by Ryan and Kelsey and it honestly made my day. I got a chai tea latte and a pumpkin-carrot cake muffin and it felt like fall. I listened to Maggie's Fall Mix CD and I want her to make a mix for me weekly because her mixes are way too good. Things like this make me realize that I have some awesome friends and shouldn't doubt my closeness to them.

To close off this mini-post, I have a proposition for my followers. In 37 days I will have been alive for two decades. That's right, I'm turning twenty. As a result, I would like to do a sequence of blog posts - 20 posts, on the 20 days before my 20th Birthday, each with a list of 20 things on it. The thing I need help with is choosing topics for each of the days. If you have an idea, or something you would specifically like to hear about/see from me, please comment!
Bookish.Spazz said...

After reading what everyone posted on the Blogger Family thread I feel like all of the good ideas have already been said!

Mmmm... Chai tea lattes...

Ooh, 20 Favorite Drinks/Foods! Yeah!

Nicola said...

sending you so much love Dillon! <3
and 20! wahoo! exciting stuff! :D

Natalie said...

I think people have got you covered on topics so far. Although, hold up, did anyone suggest 20 favorite foods? Food is important. So. Yes.

Love love love.

Maggie Shirley said...

That picture has thrown everyone into fits of nostalgia. Or maybe that's just me. It's seriously the very best picture.

Also, yay! I'm glad you liked your CD!

Also, I miss you and everyone. Why are we so far away?

Anonymous said...


I'm excited for the lists!

mayte. said...

my favorite picture is still the one where you make that face that maggie thought was adorable and I thought it was hilarious.

I miss you guys and I hope you're doing amazing.

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