Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 11: 20 Fantastic Things

This here is a rather arbitrary list of a few things that I find to be, for lack of a better term, fantastic. For whatever reason that may be, each of these things is awesome for one reason or another. Lately I've been trying to enjoy and embrace more of the happenings that go on around me, rather than burying myself in work. As we approach the Holiday season, we begin to approach a lot of events.  Currently, I'm excited for all of the Halloween events I have lined up - and excited to dress up for them! The rest are either things that I've been doing recently, or things that I would love to own.

1. The new Mumford & Sons Album
2. A Pastry Affair
3. Having lunch in Upstate New York with my favorite English teacher
4. Dressing up (all fancy and whatnot)
5. Halloween
6. These Florsheim boots
7. The fact that Uniqlo is now an online store
8. This book titled Forever the New Tattoo
9. Coffee dates at Spillin' the Beans with Ryan and Kelsey
10. Being invited to dinners with the Dean of the School of Architecture
11. Socks with patterns
12. Bananas with Nutella as a late night snack
13. This belt, even if it is for equestrians
14. Mix CD's
15. Masquerades
16. Going to bed, and knowing your alarm clock wont go off in the morning
17. Salted Caramel Mocha's from Starbucks
18. This plaid shirt from J.Crew
19. Driving by yourself and singing loudly
20. Literary effects
maggeygrace said...

I must say I'm not a fan of the salted caramel mocha's! buy that jcrew shirt. dinner with the dean? okay, mister someday-to-be-a-famous-architect. and i'm pretty much the most shameless car singer in the world. it's my favorite thing to do. ever.

and your comment made my day!

Kayleigh said...

The SCM is so yummy! I get it with half the pumps, though, which makes it much more doable!
This is a great list! I've enjoyed your posts!

Bookish.Spazz said...

Ahhh! Another awesome list!

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