Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Things I Don't Need & Can't Afford

Part 1: CB2

As I am moving into an apartment once I arrive back onto campus in the fall, the inevitability of having to own my own things is approaching quickly. So of course instead of looking for things that I need to live on my own, I found the coolest little things that I want and most definitely cannot afford. 

CB2, or Crate & Barrel 2, is the more modern version of the traditional Crate & Barrel and has some really awesome pieces of furniture that I probably do not need and really can't afford. I've always wanted a wingback chair and although this one is perfect, it has one flaw; I can't afford it (like really, it's ridiculously pricey). I don't even know where I'd put it even if I could afford it. So the pieces above are completely unnecessary but I find them awesome/aesthetically pleasing nonetheless! 

Lizzie said...

That's a rad side table!

(Who says rad anymore? Apparently I do...)

Good luck finding things to furnish your apartment. You have stellar style so I'm sure it will be to the envy of most.

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