Monday, September 8, 2014


I must confess. The "graphic" tee was one of the many pieces I have purged from my wardrobe over the years. Growing up the only "graphics" I was able to find on tee's were terrible attempts at branding or tacky bits of humor, both of which (unfortunately) appeal to the carelessly dressed male. Recently bored with the contents of my limited collection of tee shirts, I increasingly find myself looking through the tee shirt section of whatever store I'm in. Obviously, no luck there.

Fortunately I ran across SANS FORM, where actual graphic designs are on tee shirts. (And bags, sweatshirts, etc.) Someone buy me all of them.

Here's a short description of the brand from their website: 

Sans Form delivers modern and timeless art in the form of quality handcrafted goods.

"Sans Form is a modernist label specializing in reductive and modernist design culture. Founded in Italy by Andrea and Cristina, husband and wife, with a common goal of building a brand that reflects and develops their own creative interests and lifestyle. We find and foster unique artistic talents by providing a platform to create fine art and high quality consumer goods. Based both in Italy and the US, our design and production process allows us to experiment with a wide variety of creative styles and ideas. The result of this experimentation are themed collections of art, apparel and accessories whose aim is to communicate compelling ideas and the cultural value of reductive and modernist design"

Here I've shared some of my favorite designs from their site, but there are so many more great minimalist designs - they even sell prints. 
shelbyisms said...

Ugh, the graphic tee. I had a few Napoleon Dynamite ill-fitting shirts from JC Penney in middle school. Let's agree to never talk about it again.

shelbyisms said...

Also, I was using kitchen shears to cut the felt. No such luck.

Natalie said...

*war flashbacks to middle school where I convinced my mother to buy me $25 t-shirts from Delia's with quirky phrases on them*

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