Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Welcome back to An Integral Design!

The first thing you will inevitably notice is the fact that the domain that I have wanted since I named this page is now updated to anintegraldesign.blogspot.com. The second this you might notice is that the page is spruced up a bit. The final thing you will notice is a slight shift in content. There are changes I have been wanting to make for a long time now and I'm finally determined to do them, which will include more posts regarding menswear, recipes, architecture and, the occasional design tip as well as maintaining a spot to update my life.


Natalie said...

I like that you changed your URL because I used to always initially put this in as your URL anyway...


Lizzie said...

I guess it's all about the changing and rebranding lately, huh?

I'm excited to continue reading and commenting on your posts, even if I won't be blogging myself. Thank you for your support of me and we will definitely keep in touch. I'm not about to lose pen pals! Here's hoping your package made it to you safely and that you enjoy the mixes. :)

2025 © An Integral Design. Design by Fearne.