Friday, September 5, 2014


I'm sure it's not a normal thing to grow up with a peach tree in your front yard, but then again my life isn't that normal. Every August of my childhood involved running outside and collecting all of the ripe peaches, and biting into a fresh peach is heavenly. Since this past year I completely missed peach season, I had to grab a few from the local farmers market this past weekend. SomehowI ran across this recipe for plum galettes from a 1994 issue of Food and Wine and they sounded so good I had to make them, so I modified them to fit a single peach. 

3/4 cup flour
3/4 stick cold unsalted butter
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cold water

1/8 cups sugar
1.5 tablespoons ground almonds
1.5 tablespoons flour
1 peach (per galette) 
Apricot preserves

(The amount for the dough makes one small galette as seen above)
1. Make the "pate brisee" (crust). Put the flour, butter, water and salt in a food processor for approximately 10 seconds, or until just coming together. Remove the dough from processor and gather into a ball. On a floured surface, roll the dough until it's 1/8 to 1/16 inch thick. 
Place onto a baking sheet and chill until firm - about 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 400°. 

2. Make the filling. Ground almonds in a food processor. Add sugar and flower and pulse until mixed. Spread evenly over dough, within an inch or so of the edge. Arrange the peaches on top. Sprinkle sugar over the fruit. Fold the edges of the dough over the peaches to create a 2 inch border. (Optional: bruch dough with egg yolk for shine.) Sprinkle border with sugar.

3. Bake the galette for about 30 minutes, or until the crust is browned. Brush preserves on the hot fruit, and the crust if you'd like to. Cool before eating! 

I definitely didn't roll the dough thin enough but everything else about it was delicious. Also I ate the entire thing by myself in one sitting. Yeah.
shelbyisms said...

Oh, yum. Dillon, come live in our guest bedroom as our personal chef.

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