Wednesday, June 12, 2013

SAM I am

Another day well spent in this city near to me. A couple of weekends ago Maggie and I met up with another blogger who is friends with Amy and enjoyed the Seattle Art Museum and a cup of coffee. Although the get together was short, it was fun to meet up with someone else who ended up near Seattle in which the internet was the introduction tool.
Today I went back down into the city and met up with a friend from college, who is in town visiting some family. We pretty much just walked aimlessly around and that got me to thinking; there is so much to do that I should put together a little summer bucket list of things I'd like to do. That way, at least I can enjoy the city and my summer to it's fullest. So...

Seattle Summer Goals
-ride the ferris wheel
-go to a mariners (baseball) game
-visit Seattle Art Museum  
-go to as many different coffee shops as possible
-visit Seattle Public Library
-buy things only if I really need them

Other Summer Goals:
-learn sketch-up
-update website
-write cover letters
-watch sister graduate high school
-run in a 5k
-then a 10k
-compile a list of recipes for next school year
-send more mail/packages
-go to Hawaii
-visit bloggers in Austin
-take a yoga class

<<wearing: boat shoes by sperry> <shorts by j.crew> <gingham button up by j.crew> <hoof pick belt>>
maggeygrace said...

But... but.. You didn't post the best pictures.

Natalie said...

FERRIS WHEEL! And ah, I always love visiting the libraries in new cities. I want to run with you and see if I can beat you. Are you actually going to Hawaii? LUCKY.

Maggie Shirley said...

Your new blog design looks so clean and wonderful. Also, love that second picture. Also, I have something to send you that I meant to mail out before school ended. Dammit, Maggie.

mayte. said...

we could take a yoga class in austin!
classy ass blog award goes to dillon, also you dress well and it frustrates me because how do you dress so well *puts on oversized band shirt and ripped pants* close enough

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