Saturday, June 22, 2013


Currently, I'm sitting on a porch in Hawaii overlooking the ocean - as crystalline blue as expectations had led me to believe it would be. Since we've been here we have gone to walk around the shops in Lahaina, we drove the road to Hana and swam in the "7 sacred pools" (which is just a name given to a series of waterfalls and pools to attract tourists; take me word for it when I say it worked). We snorkeled in a local bay, we ate at some great restaurants, and done general lounging on the beach.

Later today I'm going para sailing, so aloha for now!

Natalie said...

Oh my goodness, Dillon. It looks so pretty. And delicious. PARASAILING SOUNDS INCREDIBLY FUN. I am glad that you're having a blast but then again it's Hawaii so that's not surprising.

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