Friday, June 28, 2013

A week in my shoes: Hawaii

This is one of two post-Hawaii posts, in which I vacationed hard.
Below shows where I traveled and some of the places I experienced, through my feet of course.

1. Touristy shopping in Makua 2.On a dried up mud bank by a waterfall 3.On the black sand beach 
4.From my lawn chair at my condo, the ocean nearby 5.From 800 ft up, parasailing (featuring my mom) 
6. Near the "blowhole" on some very interesting rocks.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Currently, I'm sitting on a porch in Hawaii overlooking the ocean - as crystalline blue as expectations had led me to believe it would be. Since we've been here we have gone to walk around the shops in Lahaina, we drove the road to Hana and swam in the "7 sacred pools" (which is just a name given to a series of waterfalls and pools to attract tourists; take me word for it when I say it worked). We snorkeled in a local bay, we ate at some great restaurants, and done general lounging on the beach.

Later today I'm going para sailing, so aloha for now!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

One of those days


It has taken far too long for my summer to actually feel like summer, but huzzah it has arrived. Last night was the first true sit-around-the-bonfire-and-exchange-stories with close friends, make s'mores, and playing the traditional "chubby bunny" and laughing the whole time. Tomorrow marks the beginning of the summer schedule at the pool, and the day after I go to Hawaii. I just got tickets to go to a baseball game with my closest friends Erica and Kristy, and Maggie continues to find reasons why I should visit her on Bainbridge (it's no fair that she knows my kryptonite; desserts.) Needless to say, I'm pretty excited. 

The last few weeks have been occupied with the antics of my sister's high school graduation and catching up with my family.  In addition to the ceremony and the open house we held, we had our pictures done as a whole family by a local photographer and we're pretty adorable. My mom's side of the family (my grandma, great aunt, and great grandma) love to shop so whenever they went out I joined them so that I could spent time with them. They spoil me rotten. It's pretty awesome. One of the things I got when we were out were these pants, and even though they are an obnoxious color they were only ten dollars and are really quite comfortable to wear. (Yes, I am drinking Starbucks.)

In closing, in approximately a month I will be in Austin seeing some of my favorite people in the world for another blogger meet-up and the anticipation is killing me. 
I can't wait to be infected by the heat of Texas. 

<<wearing: clark desert boots> <laces from j.crew> <pants hawking mcgill from urban outfiters> 
<polo by j.crew> <tortoise glasses from nordstrom>>

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

SAM I am

Another day well spent in this city near to me. A couple of weekends ago Maggie and I met up with another blogger who is friends with Amy and enjoyed the Seattle Art Museum and a cup of coffee. Although the get together was short, it was fun to meet up with someone else who ended up near Seattle in which the internet was the introduction tool.
Today I went back down into the city and met up with a friend from college, who is in town visiting some family. We pretty much just walked aimlessly around and that got me to thinking; there is so much to do that I should put together a little summer bucket list of things I'd like to do. That way, at least I can enjoy the city and my summer to it's fullest. So...

Seattle Summer Goals
-ride the ferris wheel
-go to a mariners (baseball) game
-visit Seattle Art Museum  
-go to as many different coffee shops as possible
-visit Seattle Public Library
-buy things only if I really need them

Other Summer Goals:
-learn sketch-up
-update website
-write cover letters
-watch sister graduate high school
-run in a 5k
-then a 10k
-compile a list of recipes for next school year
-send more mail/packages
-go to Hawaii
-visit bloggers in Austin
-take a yoga class

<<wearing: boat shoes by sperry> <shorts by j.crew> <gingham button up by j.crew> <hoof pick belt>>
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