Sunday, January 20, 2013

Instagram Recap: Winter Break

For some reason my school has an absurdly long winter break, but believe me I am not complaining when I say that. I was able to go home for two weeks after my last final, and spent a lot of time doing holiday related crafts, and meeting up with friends for coffee. (I kid you not, every time I went out to coffee, I went to a different coffee shop.) The holiday festivities and time with my family back in Seattle was short lived to say the least. I had to return to campus before the new year so that I could accompany the swim team to Puerto Rico for our annual training trip. I enjoyed the beach when I wasn't swimming at any of my three daily practices. On our day off, we were lucky enough to visit the other side of the island where we weren't staying, and it was authentic and gorgeous.

Unfortunately that went by rather quickly, and we returned to campus over a week and a half ago. And although it hasn't been eventful (besides the occasional snowfall) time has flown by. I had been staying in a friends apartment for the duration of the break, up until last night in which I fully moved back into my dorm. I had the place to myself and I made tea, played a January Mix from Maggie, and worked on my resume and looking up internships in the most comfortable pair of sweatpants ever.

 This upcoming semester should be a little less stressful than the previous (this is wishful thinking at its finest). I am taking one less class, one of my classes is only half of the semester - the half that I have off from swimming too- and one of the classes I'm taking has been rumoured to be easy. Studio, as always, will cause me the most stress, but hopefully I can tackle it with a refreshed mind. For now, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my time off by working on trying to muster up a portfolio and listen to new music, to hopefully feature on a project of the past.

Maggie Shirley said...

Here's to hopefully less stressful semesters. *clinks imaginary glass*

Lizzie said...

Sadly your photos aren't loading! I will use my imagination.

I have an unusually long break, too. I am home for another week and only now do I realize that's not a lot of time left. Still, I've been home for over a month. Absurd.

Best of luck accomplishing everything and having a less stressful semester. *joins in on Maggie's toast*

Natalie said...

It sounds like you've had a pretty eventful break traveling all over the place. I've had pretty much exactly a month off, which has gone so fast and yet dragged at the same time... Good luck with the start of the semester!

Anastasia said...

like Lizzie said, photos aren't loading. Sounds like a good break and a fine start to the new year.

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