Saturday, November 24, 2012

Today. (Post-Thanksgiving)

I'm thankful.
Thankful that the DeMarco's took me in for Thanksgiving this year again, and for the fact that home cooked food is amazing.
Thankful for this break. I've been so productive with schoolwork as well as with miscellaneous projects, and have been sleeping 8+ hours a night.
Thankful for all of my wonderful friends. In real life and online.
Thankful for being as privileged as I am, with a great and understanding family who wants me to follow my dreams.
Thank goodness for Black Friday sales.
Thankful that since Thanksgiving is over, I only have 3 weeks until I can go home (and more importantly be done with this semester from hell.)
There are a lot of things to be thankful for in life.
However, since I've been back from Thanksgiving (yesterday afternoon) I've been living off of peanut butter & nutella sandwiches, honey bunches of oats and chai tea. Normally I wouldn't complain but this guy needs his food. So I decided that today I'd venture down into Troy to my favorite coffee shop for lunch. I'm really glad I did because I had an awesome burger. (Coffee shop with burgers are my kind of coffee shops apparently.) I decided to snap some pictures on the way down, but about halfway through it got really windy and blizzard-like so I put my camera away. It was like I was being assaulted by dry leaves for a good ten minutes.
After I ate, and was walking back up to my dorm, I decided to try and take some pictures of me in my new jacket on auto timer. That failed. It decided to get really sunny at that point so I'm either squinting/making awful faces or all you can see is shadow because I'm back-lit. Morals of the story: I'm really bad at taking photos of myself and I like my new jacket a lot.
Look at the pictures and pretend like you were walking with me because it would be nice to have some company.


Stacey said...

Photos look beautiful :) Nice to see what you're walking by!

tay said...

I propose that next year you come to the city (actually I'll probs be living in Brooklyn, but you get the idea) and we go to the parade, and Black Friday sales together.
It'll be like high school- but bigger, louder, and chic-er.

maggeygrace said...

i really enjoy hanging out alone and doing things like taking myself out for a day by myself. holla! self timer photos? yeah. the worst.

i didn't buy a single thing on black friday. i almost can't believe myself.

Natalie said...

At least someone (re: not me) was productive on their Thanksgiving break. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches make up basically a third of my diet which probably isn't the best. I like getting to see the snippets of your life through pictures, even if they involve awkward self-timer shots. It looks so pretty there! But I guess that was before the dead leaf assault.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why I'm just now thinking of this, but some year, when we're all a little older we need to do a blogger family Thanksgiving. Because OF COURSE WE DO.

Now I really want a banana/nutella sandwich, but we don't have nutella, and I can't eat banana.

Also: I spy socks :D

shelbyisms said...

Trying to convince Sam to buy Clarks has been so difficult. Well, it's more about convincing him to wear straight pants rather than boot cut Target (oh, dear GOD) jeans, but you know. It's a struggle. How can I convince him that he needs them to be a rugged mountain man!?

I hope school is going well and that J. Crew was friendly to ya. <3

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