Sunday, November 4, 2012


[hal-uh-week] (noun) - The week surrounding the holiday of Halloween. This includes the weekend before and after, especially when the holiday falls on a Wednesday, because that's when all the best costume parties are.
And I never turn down an opportunity to put on a costume.

The weekend before Halloween it was the birthday of one of my upperclassman architecture friends (who also happens to be on the swim team, and from Seattle) as well as the birthday of another architecture student - so they threw a masquerade. Being the crafty architecture students that we are, of course we made our own masks. (Yes, mine does have a beak.)
This past weekend was the annual "Creepy Crawl" which is a costume party for architecture students. We had a couple of hippies, Barbie and Ken, and some of the cast from Peter Pan (Tiger Lily, John, Tinker Bell, and of course me, as Peter Pan.)
I always have fun with these guys. And because the main portion of these themed parties involved architecture students - a lot of the masks and costumes were very innovative. We're just awesome like that.
You see, I've been spending the majority of the time talking about my enjoyable weekends and not about my Birthday, which is, in fact, on Halloween. This is because my birthday itself wasn't all that great. The night between the 30th and 31st I spent doing work, as did I on the 31st, and well into the 1st, because we had a midterm for design studio on the 1st. I hardly slept, let alone was able to open a birthday card.
However, as soon as that was over, I enjoyed the cards I received, and the package Amy sent me, and everything else that would comprise a good birthday. Better celebrated late than never at all. I think I'll purchase myself a new pair of boots soon. Happy Birthday to me!

mayte. said...

you are twenty and old and sadly I am next.

ahh halloweek. candy overdoses, costume parties, and drunk art teachers<3
also seriously, you are peter pan and I just cackled really really loud.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN. I will try my best to send you a pug. I will find you one in san francisco.
love love<3

Maggie Shirley said...

I was creeping and saw these pictures earlier, and I love them.

Natalie said...

Both of your costumes are just the best. I can't even. And I'm really mad that the things I sent you haven't gotten there yet. Ugh.

maggeygrace said...

UM. Two awesome costumes. I can't get over the tights. Way. To. Be.

maggeygrace said...

(also, welcome to the "20" club. woot!)

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