2015 was absolutely bonkers. It also went by very, very quickly.
I began the year by making resolutions, some of which I actually followed! I am eating less meat and feeling great about it - not just ethically either, my body does not need as much protein as it did all of those years I was swimming competitively. I ran a 10K, stayed in a bit better shape, and read more over the summer. I did learn quite a few new woodworking skills over the past year which has been a lot of fun.

Then I moved to New York City for the spring semester of school. While the weather was freezing until late April, I still tried to get in a lot of the city. Eating (and drinking) quickly turned into one of the more exciting this to do, which led many excursions, one of which was Smorgusburg. Overall, my time in the city was a mix of complete exhaustion and infatuation. I loved living in Brooklyn and all of its bars and coffee shops, but it was extremely expensive and didn't allow for me to leave the island for any other adventures. I have trouble justifying spending $6 on a box of cereal but there is a literal price to pay by living there. Yet every time I go back, I fall in love all over again.
At some point during my time here I discovered and fell in love with podcasts, which are literally hours of informative entertainment.
I moved back home to Seattle for the summer, where I worked at a prefab modular home company; Method Homes. When I wasn't at work I was trying to find some of the quirks that this city has to offer; such as a Frank Lloyd Wright home and a giant pair of cowboy boots in a park. I refurbished a dresser for my sister, and also played around with power tools to make some rustic coasters and air plant holders.

July brought along another Blogger Family trip, this time to the ever eccentric Portland, OR. There was laughing, crying, eating, drinking, more eating, shopping, and general exploring. To this day, I cannot believe that the blogging has led me to meet so many amazing and unique individuals that I can call my friends. Thanks to anyone who still reads my hodgepodge of posts.

As August rolled to an end, I packed up my belongings and headed back to Troy, NY for my last year of Architecture school. I moved into (another) new apartment and had a lot of fun decorating it with my roommate. Some friends came up and visited me, and then I went and visited them which made for a really great couple of weekends in upstate new york. My 23rd birthday found me in Syracuse with great friends which made it absolutely amazing. At some point, I also made it up to Rhode Island for a quick, but nice trip and also hit up NYC one last time before I flew back west for the holidays.
So in 2015 I moved 4 times, learned what having a negative bank account feels like, ate less meat, more baked goods, and learned a lot about myself. I know 2016 is going to be a big year, so bring it on.