Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Growing up as a swimmer, towels have become a more important part of my life than I care to admit. For days at the pool at for swim meets, a towel not only needed to dry me off, but it needed to stand out so that no one could take it! (This was a legitimate concern.) For a few years in my early teens, I was the kid with the neon green towel and in college, I was the guy with the fluffy grey towel. I thought I was over my "towel phase" until I saw these works of functional art. I never thought I would ever beg for a $133 towel but I would beg for one of these beauties. 

Schönstaub has both towels and rugs in a handful of photo-realistic designs, all of which I would gladly own if ever given the chance!
Matthew Spade said...

Tell you what, this is really interesting subject. Would love to actually see what else you could find.

Buckets & Spades

Natalie said...


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