Sunday, July 5, 2015


READING: The Maze Runner series by James Dashner. Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Brave New Worlds by John Joseph Adams. All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

WATCHING: TV: Sense8, Orphan Black, Orange Is The New Black, Daredevil, Food Network Star, Jeopardy, Chefs Table, Halt And Catch Fire. Movies: While We're Young, Clueless.

REFURBISHING: An old mid-century modern dresser. (More to come on this.)

LISTENING: To every mix CD that was ever given to me. Bands: The Antlers, Alabama Shakes, The 1975, Chet Faker, Leon Bridges, King Krule, Elle King, Milo Greene, The National. Podcasts: Stuff You Should Kno, 99% Invisible, Song Exploder, DnA: Design & Architecture.

RESEARCHING: About where I'd like to travel to after my graduation next summer; England, Iceland, or the Netherlands. What kind of watch I'd like to get myself. Where to get a baseball hat that fits my head. How to save money. Architecture firms on the West Coast.

DRINKING: Sweet tea. Iced coffee. ALL the white wine. Sauvignon blanc and chardonnay. Pale Ale, Red Ale, IPA's galore. Lots and lots of water.

LUSTING: After this shirt. Sunglasses with clear frames. Something to put on the wall above my headboard.

EXCITING: Going to Portland to spend time with good friends later this month. I think I've read more books for pleasure in the past three weeks than I have in the past two years. Having a job this summer that's a lot of fun and educational about the field of architecture without actually drafting plans.
Natalie said...

I wish I had the ability to read for pleasure again but instead I just binge watch Netflix. Should I watch Sense8 next???

Look at you, looking so cool with your hot ride.


beenotafraid said...

This is such a good idea for a regular post series.

mayte. said...

why are you so cool and put together.

also, natalie, you should definitely watch sense8.

Matthew Spade said...

that's a whole load of ings. red ale for me too, and man that's a lotta telly.

Buckets & Spades

Maggie Shirley said...


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