This is not related to anything in this post. It my favorite picture from the annual architecture formal held at the end of each year. Just enjoy it. I do. |
Today was the first day I didn't take a wrong turn or get lost, which is a
big deal. Actually, no sarcasm at all. I have gotten so lost, and taken so many wrong turns and believe me when I say when you take a wrong turn in Colorado it is
not easy to find your way back.
Here are a few of the scenarios in which I took wrong turns:
-You might just end up on a strip of highway in which the next exit isn't for several miles.
-Or maybe you end up on a back road that takes you into a forest.
-Or a mountain.
-Or you can't find your way out of one of the (many) strip mall parking lots.
-You might even end up on an Air Force Base!
Not even a joke. So the fact that today I DID NOT get lost is a pretty big deal.
But anyways, I bet you're sitting at home stewing over the question, "What exactly IS Dillon doing in Colorado this summer?" And I think I finally have an acceptable answer because to be honest before I left I didn't really know what I was going to be doing either.
So here is another list that contains things that I have done so far at work as an architectural intern:
-Took a sketched floor plan and recreated it digitally, consequentially having to learn a new computer program and also about how to size door jambs.
-Redesigned an entryway for a home in Florida and then made the construction documents for it so I guess that's the first thing that I've produced that is actually going to get built which is weird to think about.
-Adapted a concept sketch of a new entryway to a commercial building with 3D modeling
-My current assignment is to take a basic floorplan for a custom home and do all the construction documents for it.
-Also went out to lunch with the firm (4 people including me) for a coworkers birthday and over-analysed the patio trellis whilst eating delicious food and enjoying local microbrewery beer (that turns out that the firm I'm at designed an addition to.)
Today was my
fourth day.
I don't feel so lost anymore.