Monday, December 16, 2013

Friday the Thirteenth, Wine Tasting, Phuket, and an Interview

That's how I would sum up the past four days.

I flew home on Friday the thirteenth. I didn't think anything of it, until storm advisory warnings started appearing. A delay on ground before we even took off and a delay in air before we landed almost caused me to miss my connecting flight, but it was a good thing that one was delayed slightly too, because I got on with only a few minutes to spare. Even though I left school quite hurriedly -only a day after my last final- I'm glad I did because a winter storm on the east coast dumped snow, which I'm sure affected flights.

And if I didn't make it back, I would have missed picking out a Christmas tree, and the gourmet cookie making and wine tasting with my mom.

And I probably wouldn't have been able to visit with some friends and get great Thai food at a restaurant called Phuket (pronounced poo-kay for those of you who would pronounce it how I pronounced it at first) and then watched the second Hobbit movie afterwards.

I probably would have made it back in time for my 11:00 am interview though. I'm glad I did because I got into the city over an hour early and was able to get my first seasonal Starbucks drink in Seattle, go into Barnes & Noble and browse, and then wander though Pike Place Market while I was waiting. I had my first interview for a job that wasn't at the summer pool near my house. And I think I got the job. I mean, they said that after HR went though my paperwork they would contact me to start training so I'll take that as a good sign.
Ridden of anxiety, I was able to Christmas shop downtown for a while. In the future, I need to go downtown with my goals in mind because I was going to get a holiday bouquet and I forgot about that after passing it, and I was going to go to the Seattle Central Library but somehow that passed my mind too. It's okay though because I picked up some great finds today.

Also, appreciate my new blazer but ignore the fact that these looks like stills from a Twilight movie.

<< quilted jacket by Frank & Oak >> blazer by Topman << button down by J.Crew >> skinny tie by H&M <<
 jeans by Levis >> boots by Florsheim >> not shown: awesome constellation socks from Amy >>

shelbyisms said...

Twilight movie. You kill me.

I want to go wine tasting. Too bad I hate wine.


Lizzie said...

Alright, so you know how you sent me an amazing fall swap package? And I said I would give you a birthday package in return?

Well, I've decided to do a birthday, Thanksgiving, fall, Christmas and New Years mash-up. I will do my best to send it soon, despite the long lines that are bound to be at my post office.

Also, yay for being home and killer style!

Natalie said...

"for those of you who would pronounce it how I pronounced it at first" YOU KNOW ME WELL, DILLON.

Yep, there's quite a bit of snow currently being dumped on us New Yorkers. You got out at a good time.


Natalie said...

Also, YAY FOR YOUR INTERVIEW GOING FABULOUSLY. If you were wearing that blazer for it then I'm pretty sure they'd have to be blind to not hire you after seeing it. But actually.

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