Monday, November 4, 2013


I woke up at 8:00 am, wide awake, and feeling hungry. Upon getting up and realizing that we didn't have any breakfast food because we haven't gone grocery shopping in approximately three weeks, I immediately showered and decided to make the most of my morning.

Fall has hit upstate New York at full force; brisk winds and piles of leaves galore. So I bundled up and walked downtown, where I got breakfast and coffee at The Daily Grind, one of the handful of awesome coffee shops that are around here. After my egg, bacon and cheese on a croissant I walked over to the hardware store and picked up some electrical tape for my Halloween costume (which was not worn on Halloween, but on Saturday night to the annual architecture party: Creepy Crawl.) I meandered over to the farmers market where I got a giant head of butter lettuce for $3, some cherry tomatoes, and locally made peanut butter that is infused with maple and honey. I ran another errand, and headed back to my apartment.

The entire time I was by myself, but it was one of those mornings that was perfect for being alone. I was able to collect my thoughts and smiled to myself as I walked up the somewhat treacherous hill home.

And then the Halloween party. I went as a Mondrian painting, which I had been planning out for a while now. I used electric tape and duct tape on a pair of white pants and a white tee shirt to mimic his aesthetic, and continued the look up my face just for flair. It was a lot of fun, and a great way to end the week-long celebration of turning 21.

Hope everyone had an awesome Halloween!
lina said...

this is great! what an awesome costume idea!

i remember when i was living away from home as an undergrad, i only had a couple of friends at school & lived in an elderly lady's house. she didn't get out much, so i went everywhere by myself taking public transportation. sometimes it got lonely being by myself so much, but i really loved it. i would take days just like yours, meandering around & discovering the city i lived in. i miss those days, so keep cherishing yours!

Natalie said...

I very much enjoy that I now know of most of the places that you mentioned... I HAVE WALKED UP THAT TREACHEROUS HILL ALSO. And yeah, I really enjoy running errands and such by myself too. Sometimes it's preferable than going with my best friend... sometimes.

And oh my gosh, your costume turned out so great. I'm glad you successfully found yellow tape!

Anonymous said...


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