Thursday, August 15, 2013

Seattle Blues

I need to pack. I leave in two days and haven't packed at all.
Oh well.

The last week before heading back to school is always a long one filled with things to do and people to say goodbye to. Monday involved going downtown Seattle to visit Maggie, where we had a delicious dinner at Wild Ginger, walked to the Olympic Sculpture Park, rode the Ferris Wheel and finished the night off with ice cream at Cupcake Royale - which happened to be the same place where we got ice cream the very first day we met up in Seattle. Both of us started the night in poor spirits for our respective reasons, but by the end we were rejuvenated by the life of the city.
Tuesday night I ventured back into Seattle, this time with a different crowd, and to see a pre-screening of Kick Ass 2. It was a nice last hurrah to say goodbye to close friends, and also to see a movie I would definitely recommend (only if you've seen the first and liked it though).
Wednesday night my family and I went and saw Gavin DeGraw, The Script, and Train in concert. Even though we had tickets on the grass around the amphitheater, and it was raining the entire time it was a really good show.

Although I'm all too ready to head back to school, just as always I'll be missing this city the whole time I'm gone.

What I'm wearing: <sperry topsiders> <bullhead skinny chinos from pac sun>  <hoof pick belt>
<navy blue polo from j.crew> <sunglasses by nordstrom>

Maggie Shirley said...

Honestly, Dillon. Honestly.

Also, I'm jealous you got to go to that concert! Glad it was great though. And that second picture needs to be your profile picture on everything.

maggeygrace said...


we're so dashing, my gosh. i miss seattle already.

mayte. said...

*sneakily sends you a gift as soon as you're back in ny*

oh man, my friends from high school were in Seattle a couple of days ago and I kept telling them they should meet you but then they left to portland, you would love them.

Natalie said...

I disagree with Maggie (Shirley). The first one needs to be your profile picture on everything. SO MUCH SASS.

I'm jealous that you family shares similar quality music taste so you can go to concerts together. My father likes Nickelback...

So much gorgeous photo-ing happening in this post. SEE YA IN NEW YORK SOON.

lina said...

LOVE the top two photos!! you go dillon!

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