Sunday, February 17, 2013
Wishing: For this little cold I just stumbled upon to leave as quickly as it came. For the wind to go away, some nicer weather. You know it's too cold when your hair freezes after practice walking to the dining hall. Wishing that my hair was brown again. That my grades turn out okay this semester.
Listening: to The Temper Trap.
Lusting: After some ginseng green tea with honey in it. For these shorts (even though I can't recall the last time it was over 30 degrees).
Waiting: For my studio professor to email me back. I don't want to continue working until she gives me the O.K. on my projects concept. To be done with swimming for the rest of the year. For Spring Break to come.
Thinking: About time. The way in which time allows certain things in out lives to happen, or not happen is all very vexing. The fact that the time spent with people is valuable, to you and to them, and we should perhaps reevaluate who we are spending time with, and why we are doing so. About how these numbers that organize a day dictate the amount of things we can physically do in a period of time. Deadlines. Dates. The importance that a little number can have to someone doing a sport. And how it labels beginnings and ends.
Working: On some mix CD's. On staying healthy and hydrated. On mentally preparing myself for the final meet of the season. On my design studio work by writing about social stratification in colleges and how spatial conditions can relate to, or contrast with the stratification through examinations of several case studies.
Reminiscing: About the one time I didn't feel overwhelmed, and instead was able to enjoy the moment. Trying to relearn how to do that.
Hoping: That everyone had a nice Valentines Day and enjoys the rest of February. (It isn't a very long month.)
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I feel like that photo could be an album cover, no joke.
Do you mind if I post something similar like this on my blog? I feel like this would be a good way to get me to post after neglecting it for a few weeks now.
I like this. For a few reasons.
Goal for spring break? Live in the moment.
Seriously, time is so crazy. And it's not really even a real thing. I mean it is, but it's also something that man kind of created to completely govern us. I don't know, man. I'll stop trying to be philosophical. Basically, I'm sorry you sound to be stressed, but I know that you'll pull through and spring break will be right around the corner.
Time is such a crazy thing. You wrote about it so well.
This whole post was brilliant. Keep being perfect.
Good photo.
I like those shorts too.
Spring Break should be an adventure. If all goes well I might be taking a road trip to San Diego with a friend.
Time is weird.
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