Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 In Review

In a rare moment of sunshine amidst all the winter rain, I was able to convince my sister to come to the cove with me to take some photographs. About a week ago, we had a huge storm where it was windy and rainy and we (along with a lot of others) lost power. During that, there were record high tides and it caused a lot of issues near the waterfront. One of those such oddities was the movement of driftwood from the shore, to hundreds of feet inland. Of course, I had to go scope this out. For those who came to visit, the last photo shown above is of the parking lot that we parked in when we went and made s'mores. 

But anyways, this year has been quite an eventful year for me. I'm going to steal what Maggie did and post a little timeline of how 2012 went down.

In January, I went to Puerto Rico with the school swim team. It was a great experience and its where I really kindle my friendships with my teammates since I'm too busy with my academics during the school year to socialize a lot. Eventually, school started back up in late January where I began my second semester of college

February I didn't blog at all. It was probably because I was getting into the new semester, and finishing up my first year of swimming. We had our championship meet in the later part of this month, where I did very well. Best times in almost all of my events, and ended up placing 3rd in one of my events, and 5th in all the rest (which was actually pretty impressive considering there are 50+ guys in each event.)

March was a good month. There was no more swimming so I was able to focus on my architecture midterm and socialize more. Spring break was really an adventure though. Going on a road trip from New York to Maryland, where I spent a few days enjoying Washington D.C. and then continuing the trip to Virginia where I stayed at my friend Ben's home. It's the month I realized my love for visiting new places, and the people who come with only make the experiences better. It's also the month that I realized I don't know how to dress for warm weather

Then April rolled around and I attempted to get back into menswear blogging, but sadly it had to take place in my lovely dorm room. I enjoyed Easter with my architecture friends (and with the pair of bunny ears I picked up) and discovered instagram. I also realized that I needed to update my wardrobe to compensate for the east coast heat and humidity, something I never really had to consider with the mild Seattle summers. I also thought about wasted time, and about social implications of actions. 

May marked the end of my freshman year of architecture school where I somehow managed to be ranked first in my class academically. I went home this month and started working almost right away as only my over-productive personality would allow me to. Of course I had to enjoy the city I had been deprived from for almost 9 months, and had a few good days

In June I went to a music festival, made fried pb&j's and finally got around to satisfying my summer wardrobe. I continue to think too much and work too much and try to enjoy the beginning of summer.

July allowed for a few more adventures. I was able to continue my menswear related escapades and had a fun day with my friend who is studying photography. I was able to make a weekend trip down to Portland, Oregon with a friend from college where we enjoyed food, a street fair, and a respective break from working. Speaking of which,  I worked too much. And of course, the Seattle trip of dreams and wonders happened and made this summer one to never forget.

Some free time in August allowed me to consider honesty as I believe it to be, as well as reflecting on how I am living my life as I think it should be lived. I got ready to head back for my second year of architecture school, and on my way back my family and I had a nice trip to Boston. But as soon as classes began the workload consequently loaded up, quite rapidly at that. 

September brought about feelings that I wish wouldn't have happened, but there were fun trips made and decisions to re-evaluate how I perceive the world around me. 

Then, in October I got in a little more adventure going to NYC for the first time and met up again with some lovely bloggers. I attempted to make 20 lists of 20 things in honor of my 20th birthday, but that didn't exactly go exactly as planned. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed having to think about my life as I've experienced it until this point and enjoyed sharing it will my readers too. In looking to the future, I made a list of 20 things I'd like to do before I turn 21. For Halloween events I dressed up for a masquerade and for a costume party, and had a lot of fun at both. 

In November I reflected a lot on the kindness of others, and how much it can mean to the people around them, appropriate for me since Thanksgiving was spent at a friends house. And of course I get stressed out and this time console myself a bit better than in September. 

It's now the end of December I can hardly believe everything I've done this past year. Lately I've just been enjoying being home, and getting back to menswear. But now that I'm back on the east coast, and I'll be traveling once again to Puerto Rico I'll be finishing off what I'll consider to be a very good year.

{On him: boots: lands end canvas >> socks: topman << green pants: lands end canvas >> belt: old navy << polo: J.Crew >> fleece jacket: Uniqlo}
{On her: boots: DSW >> jeggings: true religion << tank: Nordstrom >> cardigan: victoria secret << scarf: Dillon's, which was a gift from the lovely Mayte}

This has been an exceedingly long post and I applaud you if you actually went through it all.
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Your year was amazing, and I'm sure 2013 will follow suit. I'm so incredibly happy to have you in my life, and that you're a part of the blogger family as well as my actual family.

Here's to a wonderful new year Dillon!

maggeygrace said...

It was fun to read about your year from before I knew you! Yes I read almost every post you linked. I know I'm not alone in thinking you are fantastic but this was especially eye opening for me to learn and read new things about you I didn't know!

And don't even get me started on how great those green pants are.

mayte. said...

ugh you dress so well. and I miss seattle and I am so glad I got to meet you this year
:3 I hope 2013 is amazing for you.

Natalie said...

I remember that place!

What a year. I was thinking about making a year in review post after Maggie's too, so perhaps that will be my first of 2013. It's always good to look back on the memories.

I love those pants. And the shoes. And socks. Okay. All of it.

lina said...

this is great dillon! i haven't been looking at blogs really the past two months, so i have missed your neat recent posts. like the fashion!! & great photos!

Liz said...

In. Love. With. Your. Socks.

Also, nice recap! I'm to lazy to do one myself, so kudos to you!

Kayleigh said...

Awesome review. Sounds like you had quite the year. Amazing how much can fit in just one year, isn't it?

Lovely photos, as usual too :)

Satin and Souffles said...

Gorgeous photos :)

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