Thursday, October 27, 2011

A List.

» Today was the first snowfall. We were all quite unprepared for it. This includes the school walkways that are slippery when wet, my friend who slipped and fell because of her footwear, and my lack of heavy-weatherproof shoes worried me as well. So I looked into snow boots and being the dapper fellow that I am, this pair satisfies my needs. Although it says it is a "hiking" boot it should do fine to get me around campus dry and not slipping/falling because of lack of traction. Plus, they look fantastic, no?
Timberland 'Newmarket Nordic' Hiker Boot
I also enjoy this pair (probably more so) but they seem like they'd be significantly less functional in the snow.
Timberland 'Heritage Dardin' Hiking Boot

» This the the only architecture related thing I have to say on this post: there is a blog set up for our specific section. If you care you can look at our work up until now here. (Except for the fact that I'm missing the second half of the assignment on there. But I'm the first post ever so... take a look.)

» I can't wait for Taylor to come up from NYU to visit me! We are going to have massive fun.

» I opened the Urban Outfitters package... I couldn't stand it anymore. In order to preserve some of the birthday magic I had a friend open it for me, and chose one thing for me to have. I did this two days in a row, so now there is only one thing left in there... but I'm okay with this. So far I got new boots and the olive cords  I wanted! (Thanks parents!)

» I had to do the previous actions. I've been sick the past week and I feel terrible and needed to go to the store to get dayquill/nyquill which is overly expensive. I just want to feel slightly better for the swim meet this weekend.

» Vampire Weekend radio on Pandora is amazing. And it occasionally plays  Louis Armstrong which is completely acceptable.

» Birthday Countdown from 10/28/11: 3 days.

Em [The Writer] said...

Okay so the first pair of shoes is a definite buy! Sorry you haven't been feeling well but hopefully you will get better! Oh and happy early birthday :)

Maggie Shirley said...

I love the boots and the things you got from Urban Outfitters. You have such great taste. I just. I can't.

Sorry you've been sick, but happy early birthday!

Anonymous said...


Sorry you've been sick :( FEEL BETTER.

Natalie said...

"...being the dapper fellow that I am..." That made me smile. My friends and I were talking about the word dapper the other day, and I mentioned that the first person that came to mind at the mention of that word was Darren Criss, but I'm starting to think that you're in the running soon, too... :D Those boots are pretty sweet, I must say.

YOU DIDN'T EXERCISE SELF CONTROL! FOR SHAME. Hahaha. Your presents sound awesome so far. If you don't post before then, I hope you have a fantastic birthday.

Stacey said...

Happy late birthday :)

Your birthday things look so awesome. I'm jealous :)

And those boots look great!
Get well soon!

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