Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Foreword

Tomorrow morning I set out on what I am just now realizing is going to be quite an adventure.
I'm moving to Colorado.

I'm still freaking out about the whole thing which is probably why I'm not convinced it's happening. I've never driven that far - ever. 13 hours the first day (Seattle to Brigham City, Utah) and 9 the next (to Colorado Springs). I think the farthest I've ever driven was the 4 or so hours to Eastern Washington. And even then at least my sister was with me, this time I'm ridin' solo.
Also, I still don't have a set place to live. So that's not sitting well with me as someone who likes to plan weeks in advance for everything. I have a few leads but nothing solidified so that's probably another reason this doesn't really feel "real" yet.
But I have a paid internship at an architecture firm. That was the goal wasn't it? (Reference: Year of the Internship) None of this is how I imagined it going but I'm realistically optimistic optimistic that it will all work out. Well, at least I'm trying not to be pessimistic.

I will should have more time this summer to blog, and hopefully there is lots to blog about! Working full time is not something I have ever done (Reference: my all-consuming summer job of years past) so I will have regular hours and can find a rhythm for myself in the new environment. Whatever that might end up being.

Adventure awaits!

Maggie Shirley said...


And I am going to see you sometime in the coming months, WHICH IS THE MOST EXCITING THING.

(Also, my mom said you should eat ice and suckers on your drives to help you stay awake.)

mayte. said...

I've only ever been to the denver airport, and it's kind of annoying in there so that's basically the only impression I have of Colorado.
maybe I'll stop by with Amy or something. which would be awesome.

Lizzie said...

Colorado seems like a great place! I visited Boulder in 5th grade so my memories are kinda tainted with memories of the creative problem solving world competition that brought me there.

At any rate, Maggie is right (as she so often is) -- adventure awaits! Can't wait to read your blog updates. :)

Lizzie said...

Also, upon coming home last week for the first time since January. I saw I still have a half-assembled package to send to you…it's coming this summer. GOSH, IT IS SO LATE I'M SO SORRY. Please forgive me.

Oh, and good luck driving! You can do it!

Natalie said...


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