Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Sydney: Bondi Beach Babes

If you know me in real life, then you know how impactful swimming has been for me. If you don't know me in real life, you just learned this fact, which is a key theme in the following post. 

Day two in Sydney: No jet leg (truly amazing). Ate a banana for breakfast (because cheap). HEAD. TO. THE. BEACH.

Getting to the beach in Sydney is a little too easy. Like, the thought of being able to saunter over to salty blue waters and frolick in the sand just by hopping on a train for 15 minutes has me sold. We spent the morning walking the coast from Bondi Beach to Bronte beach. The sun was hot but it was no match for these pasty Americans and the SPF 50 we continuously lathered on. (Our trip should have been sponsored by Neutrogena honestly.) Per local recommendation, we detoured from the coast and headed inland for what might have been the best meal of our entire trip. Afterwards, we walked back to Bondi for the real reason of us visiting this area: to swim at the Iceberg Club pool.

Was it freezing cold and we only lasted about 10 minutes?  YES.

Did we get sunburnt?  YES.

Was it worth it?  YES.

Day Guide:
Ate at: Three Blue Ducks Bronte || Bills Surry Hills|| Gelato Messina Surry Hills 
Drank at: Neighbourhood by Sean McManus Surry Hills 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Sydney: A love Story

I fell in love with Sydney. Weeks later, I still struggle to put a finger on why it was so magical to me but it was magical nonetheless.

Immediately after arriving in the city via subway, Rachel and I walk through a park, at around 11:00 pm. It's warm, quiet, well lit, and I'm more comfortable in this new city than I am in most places.

Our first day was essentially a long walk around the city. As we head north, we notice outdoor pools, the number of people jogging, and realize that the cars drive on the opposite side of the street. We walk through the CBD, the Rocks and out to the coast we end up in front of the Sydney Opera House. After an appropriate amount of time spent gawking, we head down through the royal botanical gardens, south into Darlinghurst to grab lunch. Afterwards, we continued through the town, stopping at Fine Fellows to pick up a couple of issues of Men In This Town, where I met the editor of the magazine. He not only chatted with us about our trip, but recommended some spots to eat and gave me the magazines on the house.

As we walk through Surry Hills back to our lodgings, I'm amazed at how friendly everyone has been to us thus far. Rachel and I had talked to shop owners, baristas, and even a random businessman who thought we were lost; each one as friendly as the last.

Our first day in Sydney set a mood for the next 10 days - tired feet and positive vibes.

Day Guide:
Ate at: Single O Roasters Surry Hills || White Carrots Cafe Darlinghurst || Yulli's Surry Hills 
Drank at: The Dolphin Hotel Surry Hills 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Dream of the 90's is still alive

I recently ran across an assignment I filled out as an 8 year old about what I wanted to be in 20 years.
16 years later, and a surprising number of those things managed to work out. Somehow, even as a child I aspired to design, and I wrote to my future self hoping that's what I would be doing then. Young me also wanted future me to still like chocolate and peanut butter though so my standards are all over the place.

I guess it's not an issue that I haven't changed that much, but there are so many new things that it's hard to feel like you're not missing out on them while you're moving through life. I haven't taken a day off from work for fun since March, so I took a day and Shane and I spent some time in Portland. I'm ready for a vacation, I'm ready for something new. Maybe something a little different than the 8 year-old version of myself might have had in store for me.

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