Saturday, March 11, 2017

February Goals: Update

I didn't really complete any of my goals! That being said, I did end up achieving a lot this past month and even got a piece of writing "published" (for lack of better words). See below for an update on my inability to complete tasks:

Pick out paint color and complete accent wall for living room
Well, I did pick out colors and then my landlord reported back that they were "too bold," which is understandable considering one of them was called peacock green. I'll probably resort to a slate/light blue instead.

Continue to read 3 books a month
I read Trevor Noah's book Born A Crime this past month which was thoroughly enjoyable. No other books were consumed but I did get an issue of Harvard Design Magazine and read through that which sparked some writing of my own.

Draft travel fellowship
Literally nothing for this happened. Whoops.

Listen to one Archipelago podcast a week and write a response
Also didn't do this at all. BUT seeing as this goal really revolved around practicing writing I did a decent job at that. I had a piece I wrote published in datum, a publication for Iowa State's School of Architecture. If you care to read about how I think a surrealist art game influences our understanding of what rooms are you can check that out here. I also wrote several pieces for a magazine I'm contributing editor for within my design firm- which is released within the company this upcoming Thursday. 

March has already proven to be a productive month with a trip to Canada and an extended staycation in Seattle with Maggie and Natalie. In less than two weeks I'll be in Los Angelos, but for now, I'm about to head out into a torrential downpour for a 5K I committed to several weeks ago. 
2025 © An Integral Design. Design by Fearne.