Sunday, April 20, 2014

I Can't Even

Professor: "It's like a shotgun wedding!"
TA: "If that were the case that would mean you impregnated Mckenzie Wark."
Me: "Since we're using that analogy, I guess have cold feet!"

This is a real conversation that happened on Friday before class, and I'm convinced that day wasn't even real.

The day began with a test. Then it got weird. So I knew that I was supposed to interview an academic author (Wark, author of Hacker Manifest amongst other things) for a paper I'm writing in my IT and Society class. After I had put together questions,  I went to check them with my TA. After discussion them with him, I asked "so when is this interview taking place?" "2:15"
That's during class. My interview was supposed to be in front of the entire, 60 student class. Not only in front, but it was going to be the entire class.


Also, I forgot to mention that I tweeted a quote of the author the previous night, and he somehow found it and retweeted. And then someone else retweeted my quote and the author retweeted that too. He didn't know that it was me that was supposed to be interviewing him though, he just knew that someone from RPI was.

So, nervously, we awaited for Wark to connect to skype. That's when my interview was compared to a shotgun wedding. He never connected. One of my TA's for the class had set it up, and wasn't able to contact him at all. Later, I tweeted at the academic and then this happened:

This was not my intention. However, oddly effective. 

This is why Friday wasn't real. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April the 13th

[My entire life has been consumed with leading this CANstruction team at school, where we fund raise and then buy cans that we build a sculpture with, so that all of them are donated afterwards. I'm glad this years competition is over because it was far too much work, but I'm glad we were awarded a Structural Ingenuity award!]


The sun is out, and student drive to do work is not.

It's really hard to not take advantage of the weather here when it gets nice, because for the last 6 months the temperature has been below freezing. During that freeze, none of want to leave whatever building we may be in since that would require us to leave the (relative) comfort of the indoor and trek into the tundra that we call Troy, NY.

In the spirit of nice weather, I will be drinking ALL THE ICED COFFEE. Seriously, I have insane cravings for it as soon as its nice enough ti slip into my boat shoes.

I will also start exercising again. Like, I have been much too lazy because, once again no one likes to go running when the ground is covered in snow. But I finally went today and it was not as glorious as I was hoping it would be. Like, damn I am out of shape.

But afterwords I made these quinoa burrito bowls and those, were in fact, glorious. I recommend making them if you like... good food.

Now, as I sip on my iced coffee and listen to Fitz and the Tantrums for the umpteenth time, it's time to get back to work!
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