Sunday, February 16, 2014

The HOTTEST of messes

an example of my collage-ing

Last week was so disorienting.

It all started by the fact that one of my Monday classes was moved to Thursday and that one of my Tuesday classes were cancelled. That and I was running a fundraiser every day this week.
In general the front of my weeks are loaded; the most work is due in the first three days and then dwindle off until the weekend I have to pick it up again.

Wednesday our school hosts this huge career fair that is geared towards the engineering students, and a lot of them find jobs there. This year there were two companies that work in tandem with architects so I planned on seeing what they are all about.
Wednesday I was a mess. That morning I had gotten up early to print out resumes and put together portfolios to hand out. While I was doing that I noticed a bunch of paper cuts on my hands, mainly due to the fact that in studio we are making collages (this comes into play later). I was supposed to mail something that morning but had left it at home. Good start. I managed to finish my portfolios right as the fair started so I bundled up and headed over to it. When I arrive, I fail to notice that my gloves had opened some of the wounds on my hand and I was bleeding. I meet with the first company, talk, it seems to go well, I go to hand him my resume and portfolio and notice my finger has a substantial amount of blood on it. There are also blood spots on the backs of one of my copies of each document I brought. I hand this guy the clean documents. The other firm... lets just say I hope they thought it was coffee. Then hurriedly I go to my apartment, change, grab the package I needed to mail, and headed back to campus where I was supposed to be running a fundraiser for the past 20 minutes but clearly wasn't.
Thursday I was late for my first college class ever.
Friday it snowed a bunch and campus was closed until noon but NOPE our professor was like "yeah, no we're having class at 10."

Now its a three day weekend and there is three weeks until spring break and I just want to not have to wear a million layers and a hat and scarf and gloves every day.

Is that too much to ask?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So far, so good

February always creeps around, sooner than we all expect it to. It's hard to believe we're in our third week of school and that spring break is in a month, but you know what - so far so good. Even though I have a large course load I actually enjoy all of my classes. I'm taking Building System Environments (a course where we learn how to properly design the mechanical systems in buildings such as lighting, heating, cooling, etc.) Cities and Lands (where we learn about the history and theory of urban planning)  Information Technology and Society (that discusses the role of IT in society, I'm taking as part of my sociology minor) and Materials and Enclosures (where we learn how to create construction documents for facade construction).

All of that, and my studio course, which is going to be interesting. We're doing a study on a specific film (I have North By Northwest, a Hitchcock film) and recreating a building in the movie only from the shots we see. After perfecting that and doing a few other things we're going to design a building for a movie festival viewing at a site in Brooklyn. I highly recommend the movie, and don't be put off that it's over two hours long and from 1959. It's really entertaining.

But other than that, not much else has gone on. We had a snow day today which resulted in sledding fun and hot cocoa, and time to catch up on homework. Time to get back to work, just thought I'd procrastinate a little.
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