A few weeks ago, the professor for my "In Sensory Culture" class (it's an architectural professional elective) recommended we attend a Symposium at MIT. Friday, Jessica, Victoria, Jackson and myself drove down to Massachusetts Institute of Technology to attend
Seeing/Sounding/Sensing, and not only did we hear from some very knowledgeable and interesting speakers but we also got to explore.
After Friday's speakers on
Seeing, we hopped on a train into Boston, which is basically just across the river from Cambridge. We were able to meet up with some of our other friends for dinner who had decided to spontaneously hang out in Boston as well. None of us had eaten all day, so we met up near Copley Square and ate at
Globe Bar and Cafe. Since we were in Boston -a city great for seafood- I didn't pass up the opportunity to have a salmon burger. We got a hotel north of the city (because it was significantly cheaper) so we headed out of the city right after our meal. When we got to the hotel, we enjoyed drinks and the kinds of discussions only architects get into.
Saturday we got up early to make sure we could get into Cambridge in time to have breakfast and to make it to the (far too early) beginning of the conference at 9:30. Well we were definitely late to the conference, but had a
delicious breakfast at
The Friendly Toast (I got Kate's Tofu Scramble). We sat through the remaining 3 hours of
Sounding and after a quick lunch, decided we were going to skip the rest of the symposium to see all of MIT and then to see Harvard's campus and that's exactly what we did!
Being the architecture students we are, we visted all of the iconic buildings on each campus; Simmons Hall by Steven Holl, Frank Gehry's Stata Center, Saarinen's Chapel, and Le Corbusier's Carpenter Center. Basically we just geeked out and took
way too many pictures a reasonable amount of pictures of pretty buildings. The weather was beautiful, and it was just amazing to not be on our own campus for a while.
Boston is the first east coast city that has made me re-think my plan of moving back to the west coast after graduation, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.