Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013: Half & Half

This year was half and half. Half really bad, and half really good.

January got off to a bad start, when I realized how exhausted I was by a sport I used to love, and my laptop was stolen. That being said, I had a long winter break that resulted in a lot of thinking. I tried to keep my head up and hope for a less stressful semester but that resulted in a big NOPE.

Overall, I was in a bad mental place. I was the most homesick I had been in school, I was struggling holding onto friendships, and just unhappy. In February I had some fun at a concert (where it turns out we set a Guinness World Record for the largest Harlem Shake) and some fun with my hair color. While the semester drug on, I was able to come home for a week and also meet Maggie, who is an amazing individual. She probably doesn't know this but she got me through a lot of stuff  I was dealing with and I cannot thank her enough for that. As March came to a close I started to try and rid myself of all the negativity and embrace change no matter how strange it seems.

However, the semester from hell continued and I attempt to find a new perspective borrowed from the lessons of an English teacher.

Things turn around eventually. I helped a friend out, returned to a job I enjoy, and was able to exhale for the first time in months. My summer was filled with coffee, pie, fantasies of an apartment, and a return to personal style. I spent a week in Hawaii which involved a lot of great food and great weather. I was able to venture into Seattle for various reasons; always an adventure. At one point I convinced some of my friends to do an impromptu photo shoot with me! Most importantly I was able to visit some extraordinarily special people in what we now know as the Awesome Austin Adventure.

I returned to New York and started to get into the swing of things. It was a whole new time for me; I wasn't swimming, I was living in an apartment, and starting my third year of college. The past was behind me and it was time to move forward. And time to spend more time (and money) in New York City.

October rolled around and everything was well, I was content with where I was, even though there were a few more things I'd like to immerse myself in. And then all of a sudden...
I was published in a newspaper. Not just one, but two actually.
Natalie came to visit me!
I turned 21.
I went back to NYC for Thanksgiving and had an amazing time.
I had an amazing 5th semester actually. Only 5 more to go!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Poem.

Since Christmas has happened,
a few days has passed,
and the things I received ,
are ones that will last.

New luggage, some shirts, a few books and an umbrella,
sure has made me one happy fella'!

Dogs were walked and Elf was seen,
ham was eaten, and Rachel was mean.

I've seen some old friends,
updated my website,
donated blood,
and now I'm ready for New Years night!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Friday the Thirteenth, Wine Tasting, Phuket, and an Interview

That's how I would sum up the past four days.

I flew home on Friday the thirteenth. I didn't think anything of it, until storm advisory warnings started appearing. A delay on ground before we even took off and a delay in air before we landed almost caused me to miss my connecting flight, but it was a good thing that one was delayed slightly too, because I got on with only a few minutes to spare. Even though I left school quite hurriedly -only a day after my last final- I'm glad I did because a winter storm on the east coast dumped snow, which I'm sure affected flights.

And if I didn't make it back, I would have missed picking out a Christmas tree, and the gourmet cookie making and wine tasting with my mom.

And I probably wouldn't have been able to visit with some friends and get great Thai food at a restaurant called Phuket (pronounced poo-kay for those of you who would pronounce it how I pronounced it at first) and then watched the second Hobbit movie afterwards.

I probably would have made it back in time for my 11:00 am interview though. I'm glad I did because I got into the city over an hour early and was able to get my first seasonal Starbucks drink in Seattle, go into Barnes & Noble and browse, and then wander though Pike Place Market while I was waiting. I had my first interview for a job that wasn't at the summer pool near my house. And I think I got the job. I mean, they said that after HR went though my paperwork they would contact me to start training so I'll take that as a good sign.
Ridden of anxiety, I was able to Christmas shop downtown for a while. In the future, I need to go downtown with my goals in mind because I was going to get a holiday bouquet and I forgot about that after passing it, and I was going to go to the Seattle Central Library but somehow that passed my mind too. It's okay though because I picked up some great finds today.

Also, appreciate my new blazer but ignore the fact that these looks like stills from a Twilight movie.

<< quilted jacket by Frank & Oak >> blazer by Topman << button down by J.Crew >> skinny tie by H&M <<
 jeans by Levis >> boots by Florsheim >> not shown: awesome constellation socks from Amy >>

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