Monday, March 11, 2013

Seattle Blogger Meetup... Part 2?

It just so happened that my spring break is this week and I was able to come home, to my favorite city ever, Seattle. It also just so happened that Maggie was also going to be in Seattle with her family that very same weekend. So of course we made plans to meet. And of course it was a blast!
I love being a tourist in my own city, so going up in the Space Needle, climbing on the Fremont Troll, and seeing the city from Gas Works park were great experiences, especially when shared with a fellow blogger.

After getting coffee at one of my favorite little coffee shops (that is actually in what used to be a house) we took some photos like true bloggers, and of course in typical Dillon fashion, I cannot take more than one serious picture before I start goofing off. Let this mark the beginning of a good spring break! (Because lord knows that the rest of my year has not gone swimmingly.)

<<sweater: Nordstrom << flannel: Uniqlo >> watch: Timex << jeans: Levi >> shoes: Clarks >>

Lizzie said...

Such gorgeous photos.

It's so awesome you got to meet-up with Maggie! I would love to do the same if any of you folks traveled down to Florida...or came to the Twin Cities. :)

Still can't get over how much my Creative Writing professor dresses like you, er, you dress like him? (No, he is definitely copping your style, ha ha). I would share a picture with him but that seems creepy. Maybe just google a picture of Peter Bognanni? I don't think the pictures there do his fashion sense justice, though.

Can't wait to meet you in Austin.

Natalie said...

Ugh, look at you.

I love the fact that I was there when you bought that shirt. UNIQLO!

I hope the rest of your spring break is as fabulous as you.

Nicola said...

it seems Seattle is the place for magic and blogger meet ups. those photos. go you!!
missing you!

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