Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Snapshots of Seattle

Just some shots of the Space Needle, EMP, and other things in the Seattle Center
This is what you have to look forwards to, those of you who are coming to Seattle this summer.
I'm working on the details right now. (Well, not RIGHT now, but like, today.)
Have a good week and enjoy nice weather if you have it.
If not, I understand. It just keeps raining here.
Bookish.Spazz said...

:( I wish I could go.

Maggie Shirley said...

I'm just really excited to meet you.

Natalie said...

Holy architecture.
I will extra-enjoy the sunny days we've been having lately, for your sake.

mayte. said...

I'm so excited!

lina said...


Anonymous said...

So cool!

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