Sunday, July 7, 2013


Some weekends just turn out to be really great ones, especially ones of the spontaneous variety. 

For the 4th of July I was invited to go to a friends cabin on a (heavily populated) lake which was really awesome. There were fireworks everywhere; we were essentially surrounded by displays from neighbors as well as the ones  our hosts had. There was a lot of food, a boat that likes to dip and get me all wet, night swimming during fireworks, and great company. 

It just so happened that before we left the cabin that the five of us would get brunch on Sunday. Which we did. But not before we spontaneously went back to the cabin to night swim on Saturday night, and then hung around and talked like old friends, which we kind of are at this point. Being able to come home and have friends like this and adventures like this are reasons why going back to school is so hard. (Oh, and when we went to brunch we were all wearing black, denim, and navy/white stripes. Pure coincidence.)

In other news:
- I have been drinking far too much coffee (is that even possible?) and sweet tea. (Not at the same time obviously.)
- reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series, and I just got the third one from a thrift store to start
- thinking about packing for Texas (less than two weeks?!)
- listening to mix CD's from Maggie and Natalie, but only in my car because my CD drive isn't working...
- hoping to hear back from an architect who I emailed about an internship, even though I already have a full time job
- I really like coaching. Fast forward three years; once I graduate from college I can move back to Seattle where I'm working as an architect during the day and coaching a team at night. 

Thanks to Erica and Megan for taking photos with me! 

Liz said...

I think fabulous is the only appropriate word to sum up this post.

lina said...

love the outfits! & i'm liking the idea of architect by day & coach by night. very nice.

Maggie Shirley said...

Love that top picture. You're so J. Crew.

Satin and Souffles said...

Love the photos!

Anonymous said...

This is great.

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