Sunday, July 22, 2012

Portland, etc.

A few photos from my trip to Portland some weekends ago, all of which I stole from my friend Monika who I went with. It was so much fun to get away from work for a weekend and enjoy a new city. Seriously one of the most relaxed places to visit, and I would definitely love to go back.

I'm so excited for Amy to come tomorrow, and the rest of the Bloggers (who are coming) are arriving in just a few days! Although everything is planned out on paper, I'm sure something will not go right. I just hope everyone travels safely.

Below is the front of a card I received from my friend Kelsey (the same one who is sending me a song every day this summer). One of the sweetest things I have ever received. I leave to go back to the East coast in exactly a month. Summer just didn't seem long enough.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to be there TOMORROW. HOW COOL IS THAT?!


mayte. said...

that card is incredibly cute and Portland seems like the coolest place to live.


Maggie Shirley said...

I have been in the same city as your for two whole days, and that's WEIRD. Then Amy will be here TOMORROW, and Nicola is in AMERICA. EVERYTHING IS WEIRD.

Bookish.Spazz said...

Ahhh! I'm so excited for you guys!

And that card is beyond adorable.

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