Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Red Gingham Shirt: Part 1

Sometimes the sun will shine in Seattle summertime. (Please enjoy the alliteration.) Having purchased a few new pieces to add to a more warm-weather friendly wardrobe, in addition to wanting to revisit the fashion roots of this blog, here is the first (of what is hopefully many) true menswear post.
Tadlianne, a friend of mine who is attending an Art Institute for photography assisted me in the shoot, since I was fed up with my previous attempts of photos. Although we didn't really plan any of these shots and just kind of hung out with each other, we got a few really awesome shots in that I am really happy with.

-What I'm wearing -
Red Gingham Shirt - Tommy Hilfiger
Gramercy Shorts - J. Crew
Suede Bucks - Nordstrom
Sunglasses - Vans (taken from Honora)

Gingham as a pattern can be rather bold depending on the color, and the red can't help but to produce the imagery of a picnic. This sort of vibe is perfect for the summer, worn casually with a pair of rather neutral chino shorts, and complementary blue shoes. I tend to roll the sleeves of my shirts up due to my arm length (they are rather long and take over a look with all that fabric) but it's a great way to keep a look casual. A cloudless day is also the only time in which I can pull out the suede shoes without worrying about ruining them, and I love all things navy blue.

A freshly picked flower can add a pop of color

 I have a few other great way that I would like to introduce gingham into a look, so expect more posts involving the gingham shirt, a perfect staple for summertime. Hopefully by the end of this mini-series (inspired by the one-piece-three-ways post by The Style Blogger) you all will want to go out and integreate a similar piece for yourself.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I Have The Potential to Throw a Whirling Dervish Out of Whirl


Well, I originally was going to wait until I had the said outfit post ready to post again, but alas, It has not happened quite yet and I didn't feel like putting off a post much longer. On that note, I don't actually have that much to say. So please, enjoy my list of random thoughts.

_ I'm really enjoying watching HGTV Design Star & The Glee Project right now. (Don't judge.)
_ I really need to shave.
_ I wish I could grow a mustache so that I could wax it and curl the ends because that would be totally awesome.
_ The weather should improve.
_ Public Speaking isn't fun.
_ Today marked the beginning of my first of many 40+ hour work weeks, and I actually didn't mind it. It consists of getting up to lifeguard at 5 am, coaching from 7 to 10:30, supervising swim lessons from 10:30 to 11:30 and acting as assistant manager of the pool until about 1:30. (And then once swim meets start, I shall say goodbye to any free time.) It helped that one parent bought me a mocha, and another brought me a muffin - still warm from the oven.
_ Speaking of free time, Honora and I shall be cooking and singing tomorrow. (Not simultaneously.)
_ I added James Quaintance (see photo at top) to the list of people I want to grow up to be, including Adam Levine and Ryan Gosling. (I envy the tattoos.)
_ Thinking about motorcycles...
_ Seattle Blogger Trip (Coming so fast!)
_ I really need to finish reading The Social Animal so I can read the other million books that are sitting on my side table, including Fahrenheit 451 from Lizzie!
_ I want to go thrifting.
_ Everyone should go and listen to The Lumineers as well as the new Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes album right now.
_I have no idea where these post titles keep coming from.
_I'll stop rambling now.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Welcoming June with an Open... Umbrella?

Me at the beach, unintentionally taken by my sister

My weekends are proving to be rather eventful thus far.

Last weekend the annual Folklife Festival was going on in the Seattle Center and I usually go to experience a bit of Seattle culture and to listen to Folk music, but this year I arrived with purpose. My good friend Honora had the luck of having one of the stages approach her asking if she would perform.
So of course I had to go see her.
And of course she was amazing. (As usual.)
Take a listen, you wont be disappointed.

This past Saturday I went to the Outlet Mall with my parents and ended up getting 2 pairs of shorts, a polo, and 2 button ups as well as satisfying the demands of a Fathers Day gift. Pictures on my new clothes to come soon, I'm going to try to have one of my friends in photography school do a shoot with me. After spending too much money I met up with two of my friends who just got back from school, and we ended up at Starbucks after a while. (I tried an earl grey tea latte and it was fantastic.)

After that I went over to another friends place to make fried PB&J's. (When we were at Folklife we saw a food stand whose specialty was deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We all thought this was an interesting concept, but none of us wished to spend $7 on a sandwich so we vowed to make them ourselves.) They are actually rather good. If you wish to try yourself, make sure you pile on a lot of peanut butter and jelly, then coat in pancake batter, and fry - we used sunflower oil.

I ended up having to work on Sunday, but that's life.

Just listening to Kings of Leon, enjoying tea, and thinking about reading more.

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