Thursday, January 19, 2017

Jet Setter

If by chance, you actually read through the entirety of my previous post then you might recall that I was looking for the next big thing to fill my year.

Well, I found it. 

Last fall, while I was still learning about all the architecture firm I work at has to offer, I learned about a professional development grant program that allows the winner to pursue a passion project with funding and paid time to develop it. Any employee from all of our 21 offices can apply for it and past projects have ranged from researching urban ruins to developing new building performance technology.

On a whim, a co-worker and I applied to it to pursue the creation of a publication. One that reaches out to the people and the process of design within our company and discusses the design culture in an intelligent and personal way.

Turns out, we won. 

So by July we will have compiled, created, and curated material for two zines in addition to traveling to a handful of other offices to inform and hopefully convince them to contribute material or develop one themselves. While I head to different cities to speak about this project, I can't help but tie in the opportunity to explore the areas I visit. Here are the four cities I'll be heading to, and some of the things I'd like to do there when I'm not in a remote office:

Los Angeles (LA)
The Broad, LACMA, Griffith Park

Arcosanti, Phoenix Art Museum

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Museum of Art

Mill City Museum, Walker Art Center, Weisman Art Museum 

Three of the four of these I have never been to, which makes this opportunity so exciting! Not only am I trying to understand the different culture of design within a company but hopefully being in a different location gives me insight as well. Okay 2017, here we go!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

2016: Year in Review

New Year, same me but with a bit more figured out than a year ago at this time.

2025 © An Integral Design. Design by Fearne.