Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Secret Santa: Revealed!

making an animated gif

For my Secret Santa, Camille recieved me and I got a fantstic package that I opened on Chrsitmas. I have been getting lots of mugs recently, which is totally awesome because mugs are fantastic and I have been drinking tea WAY more often. Speaking of tea, this Vanilla Rooibos will be perfect to relax with. There were some delicious little cookies, and a soft scarf, and of course the package was not complete without a mix CD (that I am currently listening to.)

I had an awesome Christmas (and great post-Chrsitmas shopping downtown) and am so glad to be able to spend so much time with my friends from Seattle.

Hope everyone else had an awesome Chrsitmas/ Holiday season, and now the New Year is just around the corner!

ps. Everyone thanks for the suggestions on my list of twenty things. I'll be finalizing that soon!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Eve's Eve

Ah, it's so nice to be home for the holidays.

I was able to surprise my sister by coming home earlier that expected (... 4 days actually), which also allowed me to see more of my friends from Seattle. In the past few days I've been busy visiting with everybody; baking cookies and singing with Honora, and going to a fondue party amongst other Holiday parties in which I can visit with people I haven't seen in over 4 months. Oh, and GOING TO STARBUCKS. Like, every day.

But, at the same time it is almost a bit weird being back home, seeing my family, driving around, and not needing my RPI ID card to get food. I was talking to one of my close friends from RPI and she was telling me how lonely she felt not being able to see us! (see below) It's easy to miss us.

this is typical, but I'm behind the camera, as always.

Merry Christmas, from us.

Other awesome Christmas related things:
- Getting involved with the blogger family secret Santa, and getting something from Camille but I haven't opened it yet...
-Amy, who in addition to being an awesome blogger friend is my cousin, sent me a package that I also have yet to open...
- My family is having a Holiday Open house tonight that I should probably be helping prepare for... but I'm a lazy college student

Something unrelated to Christmas:
Similar to Shelby, I have been trying to get together a list of 20 things to do before I turn 20, because, well, that's in 10 months. Any suggestions? Right now my list is very vague. A few of the more refined things are:
- Take a road trip
- See a musical on Broadway
- Grow a mustache (if possible)
- Learn to play guitar
- Get a tattoo
- Start a account

Well, I'll finalize this list by the first of January. For now though, have a wonderful holiday season and if you have snow, play in it for me!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

With the sound of sleigh bells entering my head...

(couldn't find the source for this picture, but I like it lots)

December first. A day that marks the beginning of the end. Twenty four days  until Christmas. Less than that until I go home. And even less than that until finals begin, and then consequentially end.

I want to smell that fresh pine scent of the Christmas tree.

I want to sit by the side of a fireplace, listening to Christmas music and drinking some sort of Holiday-themed coffee beverage. (We all know I'm talking about peppermint mocha.)

I would like to sit around and look into Architecture internships for the summer.

I want to go Downtown Seattle and look at all of the decorations and go shopping.

I would like to drive around with my two best friends (from home, that is) and look at Christmas lights.

To sum it up, I'm ready to go home. Having spent Thanksgiving away from my family I feel disconnected  (although I had an awesomely fun time at a friends place, and got amazing deals at outlets on Black Friday) and can't wait to be home again!

I'll be back soon with a less depressing post.
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